I bought this lovely from the blog sale @NailStah (her twitter handle) had. I picked up several good ones there, in fact!
This is a color from Color Club. The formula Color Club doesn't seem to work as well for me as other brands. This is only my second, but I'm noticing that for me, I have a tendency towards premature chipping with both of the colors. It's absolutely a shame, too -- other people rave about them, and I LOVE their colors -- particularly their new bohemian collection! I'll probably still give some of those a chance... my body chemistry and/or the combination with Seche Vite just has seemed to reject so far.
This color, though, is fantastic. I feel like if you could paint your nails with a pencil, that's the color and sheen you get. It has a very graphite look about it (not Chanel Graphite... pencil graphite). I love the color a ton, but painted my nails last night and am already experiencing tip wear.